New Delhi: She hit the jackpot with her debut film `Fashion`, which released last Diwali, and her second release `All The Best` is also arriving in time for the festival of lights. Mugdha Godse says she is excited and hopes she will be lucky again.
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"I am very excited because last Diwali was extremely lucky for me and with `All The Best` releasing during the same time again, the anticipations are very high. I`m just keeping my fingers crossed and hope to get a positive response once again, considering that people are liking the promos and the buzz is good," Mugdha told reporters. Technically,, Madhur Bhandarkar`s `Jail` was supposed to be the model-turned-actress` second film. "It`s just that `All The Best` is coming first but both my movies are scheduled within two weeks (`Jail` is releasing Nov 6), so there is a lot of excitement. I am wishing it will turn into gold," she said. The 24-year-old was in the capital to promote `All The Best`. Directed by Rohit Shetty, the comedy also stars Bipasha Basu, Sanjay Dutt, Fardeen Khan and Ajay Devgn, who has also financed the project. Mugdha says working with seniors has helped her immensely. "It`s good to work with senior people in your initial stages because you get to learn a lot from them and the experience is so good that it can help you a lot in future," she said. Having tried her hand at serious cinema in `Fashion` and `Jail` and comedy in `All The Best - Fun Begins`, Mugdha says she is now set to explore the `horror` genre in her next. "I am doing a horror film opposite Bobby Deol and first-time director Rajiv Virani. We`ve shot almost 70 percent in Mauritius and now we will start shooting in Mumbai from Oct 19 onwards and wrap it up," she said. "It`s a fantastic script and everything is scary in there (in the film)...I`m a fan of horror films myself; so when I heard the script I just felt I had to be a part of it. It`s an interesting story that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats," she added. "We haven`t found a name`s just called `Production No. 10` right now," Mugdha said. Asked if it was a deliberate attempt to pick different genres, the actress said: "I`m not thinking much about the genre as of now. I`m just going with the flow. If I get a good script, I do it. "It`s just that the kind of scripts I`m liking end up being from different genres...I`m not doing it deliberately. I believe...versatility is an actor`s spice but generally very few actors do that. "It`s just trying something different with all roles so that they (the audiences) don`t get bored with you...And I`m glad I`m entertaining people and they are liking my work," she said. There were reports that Mugdha had signed on a film called `Raas Leela`, but the actress dismisses it as baseless rumours. "I`m not doing `Raas Leela`...I don`t know where these rumours come from that I`m doing a film that doesn`t even exist," she said.
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"I am very excited because last Diwali was extremely lucky for me and with `All The Best` releasing during the same time again, the anticipations are very high. I`m just keeping my fingers crossed and hope to get a positive response once again, considering that people are liking the promos and the buzz is good," Mugdha told reporters. Technically,, Madhur Bhandarkar`s `Jail` was supposed to be the model-turned-actress` second film. "It`s just that `All The Best` is coming first but both my movies are scheduled within two weeks (`Jail` is releasing Nov 6), so there is a lot of excitement. I am wishing it will turn into gold," she said. The 24-year-old was in the capital to promote `All The Best`. Directed by Rohit Shetty, the comedy also stars Bipasha Basu, Sanjay Dutt, Fardeen Khan and Ajay Devgn, who has also financed the project. Mugdha says working with seniors has helped her immensely. "It`s good to work with senior people in your initial stages because you get to learn a lot from them and the experience is so good that it can help you a lot in future," she said. Having tried her hand at serious cinema in `Fashion` and `Jail` and comedy in `All The Best - Fun Begins`, Mugdha says she is now set to explore the `horror` genre in her next. "I am doing a horror film opposite Bobby Deol and first-time director Rajiv Virani. We`ve shot almost 70 percent in Mauritius and now we will start shooting in Mumbai from Oct 19 onwards and wrap it up," she said. "It`s a fantastic script and everything is scary in there (in the film)...I`m a fan of horror films myself; so when I heard the script I just felt I had to be a part of it. It`s an interesting story that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats," she added. "We haven`t found a name`s just called `Production No. 10` right now," Mugdha said. Asked if it was a deliberate attempt to pick different genres, the actress said: "I`m not thinking much about the genre as of now. I`m just going with the flow. If I get a good script, I do it. "It`s just that the kind of scripts I`m liking end up being from different genres...I`m not doing it deliberately. I believe...versatility is an actor`s spice but generally very few actors do that. "It`s just trying something different with all roles so that they (the audiences) don`t get bored with you...And I`m glad I`m entertaining people and they are liking my work," she said. There were reports that Mugdha had signed on a film called `Raas Leela`, but the actress dismisses it as baseless rumours. "I`m not doing `Raas Leela`...I don`t know where these rumours come from that I`m doing a film that doesn`t even exist," she said.
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